DBToFile : A Microsoft Access Database Backup Engine
Available versions of this document
Dependent files of the ActiveX control
Report of the DBToFile database structure
History of the DBToFile software utility
DBToFile is a database backup system for saving linked records to a
file (in text form or in binary form for the binary fields of the database such
as pictures, OLE documents, etc.) so that it can be reloaded later into a
database with the same structure.
This document is available at :
in French and English in the following formats :
French : HTML,
(Word 97/2000), Pdf,
English : HTML,
(Word 97/2000), Pdf,
- The backup file can be sent by diskette or by Internet as a
document attached to an e-mail. It is a small file, mainly of text type, and it
can also be compressed ;
- This system can be used for the off-line replication of several
databases towards a single main database using update files (and then
reciprocally so that the data is synchronised in both directions). Example : a
database of customer records shared by a team of sales agents ;
- It is possible to specify what must be included in the file and
what must be excluded, at table level and at table field level See Excluded
fields ;
- Automatic loading and saving is possible by disabling user
confirmations ;
- DBToFile is an ActiveX control
and can therefore be used in various development environments, for
example in an HTML page, see Demonstration ;
- If you distribute software that uses data access, you can offer
the backup system just by inserting the ActiveX control in an Access or Visual
BASIC form or in an HTML page, and preparing the table definitions and the
requests for backing up records in the database. ; see also Depending files of the ActiveX control ;
- The ActiveX control interface can be invisible, as command
button functions are also available as a control method ;
- Complex queries are possible
for selecting the records to be saved ;
- Examples of applications related to the Internet : enquiry or
voting system by electronic mail, system for completing a database form off
line, etc.
- DBToFile can be used with Access 2, 95, 97 or 2000 databases
(see also Future development using ADO) ;
- Security management is taken into account for read/write access
to the data being backed up (it is possible to specify a user account with its
- DBToFile requires the following components : VBAJet32, Visual
BASIC 6 runtime and DAO 3.6, see Installation
- Table definition is not automatic; it is necessary to describe
the tables to be backed up in a table designed for this purpose (DBToFile_Table
of the backup control database DBToFile.mdb). However a database report can be
generated automatically to make this work easier, see stages 9 and 17 of the
Demonstration. A user-friendly interface is envisaged in a future version.
- The backup file is not intended to be imported directly into
spreadsheet or database software, because the data stored in this file can
relate to all the tables in the
database, and it can be reloaded as a whole into a database with the same
structure without losing the links between the records. Thus, the backup system
is more sophisticated than just exporting a table (though that is also
- It is not possible to restore the state of the database after
validating the loading of the file (make a backup if necessary), but
replacements are confirmed
- Unique index field : there can
only be a single index field per table (or a single combination of fields
corresponding to an index of the table), except the AutoNumber identifier
field. This is because it is impossible to edit several records at the same
time during loading (if several unique index fields already exist in the table
for several distinct records, it will be impossible to load the file).
See also Technical limitations.
- Comparison with
replication : replication control is simplified because it is reduced to
confirming the possible replacement of some records (there are no rules for
conflict resolution during record replacement). The fields to be replaced
(those for which notification has been set) are displayed in a dialog box as a
drop-down list; the user is asked to confirm or to cancel all the replacements.
It is not possible to see the value of each of these fields that will be
replaced (unless the content of the file is viewed).
Note : the examples in the original version (in English) Northwind.mdb
are given in brackets after those of Comptoir.mdb in the following paragraphs)
- A checking system for identifiers is provided to avoid saving
the same record several times. For example, if new daily orders from the Orders
table are saved, and if several orders refer to the same product in the
Products table via the [Order Details] table, the item will be only be saved
- Specific fields in the DBToFile_Table table of the backup
control database DBToFile.mdb :
* UniqueFields (relates to file loading) : it is necessary
to specify the unique field when there is a unique index to the table. At
loading time, a search is made for the unique record in order to avoid the
"duplicate key in index" error. If necessary, the record is then edited
(modified) by the corresponding recording of the file. The index can be a
combination of several fields; in that case it is the whole combination that
must respect the uniqueness constraint, as is the case for the table index . On
the other hand, only one unique index is authorized, see also the limitation about unique index fields and the
technical limitation on the Primary mnemonic
field. It is possible to specify a unique field (or a combination) even if
there is no corresponding index in the table. This prevents records being
duplicated each time the file is loaded. For example, in the Products table, it
is a good idea to specify that the ProductName field must be unique in the setting
table, even if there is no uniqueness constraint on this field in the table.
Tests using an empty database are necessary to detect this fault, see
Demonstration ;
* Table
identifier field (IDField, relates to file saving and file loading). This field
is used to establish a simple link between two tables (a reference of numerical
type). For example, EmployeeID is the identifier field of the table Employees.
This identifier will be used for an employee's order in the Orders table.
* Mnemonic
field of the table (MnemonicField, relates to file saving and file loading).
The principle is the same as for the identifier field, but this time the
reference is not an AutoNumber one, but a short text field defined by the user
(a mnemonic text). This allows comprehensible references between two tables. It
is essential in the case of a reference between tables from different
databases, or in the case of the optional saving of some tables, because it is
easier to find a mnemonic field of text type than an abstract numerical field
(especially an AutoNumber one). See also the technical limitation about the Primary mnemonic field. Example : the
Customers’ table has the CustomerID mnemonic field, which is a text field and
not an AutoNumber identifier.
- Tables of the backup control database DBToFile.mdb concerning
file saving :
* Equivalent identifiers (DBToFile_EqID) : list
of identifier fields corresponding to a single field in another table. For
example, if the list of customer companies and the list of supplier companies
are collected in the same Companies table and a table refers simultaneously to
a customer and to a supplier, then the identifier fields will be respectively
CustomerCompanyID and SupplierCompanyID and the list of the equivalent
identifiers would be : Company=CustomerCompanyID, SupplierCompanyID.
* Child tables (DBToFile_ChildTable) : this list allows
automatic saving of tables that depend on a table referred in a saved record.
By default , only tables referred by their identifier (or equivalent
identifier) are saved ; so that dependent tables are also saved, you must
specify them in this table. Example : when the
Orders table is saved, the details of the selected orders must also be
saved. For this, show in the Orders table that the child table is [Order
See also Additional documentation ;
- If Visual BASIC 6.0 (SP3) is already installed on your computer
(in particular VBAJet32 and DAO 3.6), try the ocx dbtofile.zip
(305 KB) directly, without the packaged installation. You just have to register the ocx using the command
C:\Windows\RegSvr32.exe DBToFile.ocx (if the VB6Fr.Dll file does not exist in
the directory C:\Windows\System\, copy it into it); if however you encounter
errors (in particular 3446 or 3447), you may have to download the complete
package (see also Depending files of the ActiveX control) :
- If not, download the complete package dbtofileinstall.zip
(4 MB). Visual BASIC 6.0 runtime, VBAJet32 and DAO 3.6 for Windows 95 or 98
will be installed automatically.
Unzip the dbtofileinstall.zip or dbtofile.zip file into a directory of
your choice, using for example PkZip for
Windows shareware.
- Launch setup.exe, or launch DBToFile.html directly if the OCX is
already registered (see DBToFile registration).
You can test the sample using Comptoir.mdb (Access 97 version), the
French version of Northwind.mdb, or using the original database. If MS-Access
is installed on your computer with the sample databases, you can copy
Northwind.mdb from the directory :
C:\Program Files\MSOffice\Office\Sample\Northwind.mdb
or you can download the database at the following URL :
Then copy Northwind.mdb into the install directory of the DBToFile
software, which by default is : C:\Program Files\DBToFile\.
The original Access 97 French
sample database Comptoir.mdb has a relation respecting referential integrity
without the "Cascade Update Related Fields" option between [Clients]
and [Commandes] tables. This is probably a small error by Microsoft France,
because this relation respects cascade updating on the original version
Northwind.mdb (furthermore, the Access 2000 version of Comptoir.mdb has been
corrected). However, it is not possible to edit the records in the Client table
when a primary mnemonic field has a relation respecting referential integrity
without cascade updating (see the technical limitation about the Primary mnemonic field). The Comptoir.mdb
database provided with DBToFile has therefore been corrected so that the sample
works (the photographs have been deleted to make installation smaller).
After reading the Installation demonstration procedure, look at the
sample using the ActiveX control DBToFile in HTML with VBScript : Demo.htm.
Here is the descriptive text of the demonstration stages :
You do not have to use the
DBToFile control buttons in any of the demonstrations; you can just use
the 'Start !' button. You can then go to the next stage. You can change the
language and start the stages again (from 1 to 13) with the other sample
database Comptoir.mdb, which is the French version of Northwind.mdb. In this
case, the name of the file will be Commande.cmd instead of Order.ord. Remember
that Northwind.mdb is not included in the package.
1-Saving an order
1-Saving an order in Order.ord file : the order with the number 10248
is selected by a query ; all the upstream records (e.g.: CustomerID) and the
downstream records (e.g.: [Order Details]) related to this order will also be
automatically saved in the file, respecting the following logical process :
when the file is to be reloaded into a database with the same structure,
referential integrity rules must be respected. The aim of the next stages from
2 to 7 is to test this backup file.
2-Checking Order.ord
2-Checking the created file Order.ord : the heading of the file is
analyzed to check if the file can be imported into the database Northwind.mdb.
At this stage, DBToFile checks if a reference to a backup file exists in the
control database DBToFile.mdb and if its version number is compatible with the
file version.
3-Loading test
3-Testing the reloading of the created file Order.ord in the same
Northwind.mdb database : the goal is only to check that there is no duplicate
key in index error using unique index fields ; as the data is identical, there
should not be any modifications of the database contents. The order number that
will be displayed after loading will remain unchanged. If you make
modifications in the Northwind.mdb database concerning the records saved into
the file, these modifications will of course be lost if you reload the file.
However, you can repeat stage one of saving to update the backup file with
those modifications.
4-Copying Northwind.mdb
4-Copying the database to create an empty Northwind0.mdb for testing;
in order to check if all necessary records are actually stored in the backup
file, Northwind.mdb will be copied to Northwind0.mdb, and its contents will be
erased in the next stage.
5-Making Northwind0.mdb
5-Deleting all records of the test database Northwind0.mdb ; this new
database will be empty and will have the same structure as Northwind.mdb, so
the backup files will also be compatible with this database.
6-Loading Order.ord
6-Loading the created file Order.ord into the empty database
Northwind0.mdb : records will be imported into the empty database and will thus
be notified between brackets. The order number which will be displayed after
loading will be different from the original one in the file that came from the
first database, because it is automatically generated to a new record in an
empty database (AutoNumber datatype field).
7-Reloading Order.ord
7-Reloading the created file Order.ord into the test database
Northwind0.mdb that is no longer completely empty ; note that records are
replaced (as in stage 3). The order number that will be displayed after loading
will be unchanged since the previous stage. Important remark about the test
methodology : it is necessary at this stage to check that records are not
duplicated after each loading of the file into the database, in which case it
would be necessary to specify the uniqueness constraints that records must
respect in the DBToFile_Table table using the UniqueFields field of the
DBToFile.mdb database. For this, check
the contents of the Northwind0.mdb database. You can set a uniqueness
constraint even if there is no corresponding index in a table.
8-Viewing Order.ord
8-Viewing the created file Order.ord (for information only). You cannot
modify this file when it contains binary data (e.g.: employees' pictures),
otherwise it could become unreadable.
9-Northwind.mdb database reporting
9-Reporting the database structure of Northwind.mdb : this
functionality of DBToFile control is useful for defining tables to be saved
from a database to which you want to add the backup system.
10-Northwind.mdb meta-backup
10-Backup of the backup system of Northwind.mdb into the Northwind.dbe
file : the backup system of a given database can also be saved in a file, since
it is completely described using Access tables from DBToFile.mdb. To do this,
use the saving reference FileTypeID=5.
The advantage is that for a database which is distributed among many
customers, the backup system can be updated without modifying the source code.
However, this advantage can only relate to a new selection of records (or a
backup correction), because if the database structure changes, there will be in
any case be a significant update to make. The goal of the next stages 11 and 12
is to test this backup file.
11-DBToFile0.mdb creation
11-Creating an empty database DBToFile0.mdb for testing.
12-Loading Northwind.dbe
12-Loading Northwind.dbe file into an empty copy DBToFile0.mdb.
13-Viewing Northwind.dbe
13-Viewing the created file Northwind.dbe (for information only).
14-DBToFile.mdb meta-backup
14-Backup of the backup system of DBToFile.mdb into the DBToFile.dbe
file : the point is to illustrate the example of self-reference and to give an
additional backup sample to better understand the possibilities. This system
could make it easier to update the DBToFile utility while avoiding losing the
backup settings of those that have already used a previous version of the
software utility. However, this file can not be reloaded without first
specifying the heading in the DBToFile_Main table and the list of tables to be
saved in the DBToFile_Table table of the DBToFile.mdb database.
15-Loading DBToFile.dbe
15-Loading the created file DBToFile.dbe into an empty copy
16-Viewing DBToFile.dbe
16-Viewing the created file DBToFile.dbe (for information only).
17-DBToFile.mdb database reporting
17-Reporting the database structure of DBToFile.mdb (for information
End of the demonstration. Thank you for your attention. For more
information, consult the documentation joined to the software.
files of the ActiveX control
History of the DBToFile software utility
- Example of an update of the database structure : the backup
system makes it easy to update the database structure by for example adding a
field (file version management is provided). Old files are loaded even if a
field is missing or has been renamed(if the version is included in the interval
>= MinFileVersion and < MaxFileVersion of the DBToFile_Main table). An
error message will then indicate that such fields are missing from the database
and that their value will be ignored. New fields will be supported in new
backup files, generally without any modification of the backup table settings
(except in the not very frequent case of a selection request in which there is not SELECT * FROM... but
SELECT table1.field1, table1.field2 FROM... ). These select queries are only
used to start a sequence of cascade backups, the cascades of records being
automatic in accordance with the settings of the backup tables : DBToFile_ChildTable
(see Child Tables) and DBToFile_EqID (see Table of equivalent identifiers).
- Specific field in the DBToFile_Table table of the backup control
database DBToFile.mdb :
* Excluded field (ExcludedField) : by default, all the fields of a
table are saved. To avoid saving a given field, it is necessary to specify this
field in the list of the excluded fields. This is useful in the case of a
binary field that is considered to be too large or a temporary field that does
not need to be saved. Example : picture field in the Employees table .
Methodology : speed optimization should be considered only after the
backup system works correctly.
- Specific fields of the DBToFile_Table table of the backup
control database DBToFile.mdb :
* Presentation
in table mode (bArrayLayout, relates to loading and saving speed optimization)
: presentation of a record using only one line in order to optimize backup and
loading. This technique is less effective than the Structure
array one but it does not have its disadvantages.
* Index
field (IndexField, relates only to loading optimization)
: it has the same principle as Unique fields, but
this time the index of the table is used in order to make searches much faster
than when searching using RecordSet (the Seek method is applied to the table
instead of the FindFirst method of RecordSet based on the table). By default,
the index is automatically defined to PrimaryKey. This method is not allowed in
the case of attached tables, for queries or for tables with no index or with
several indexes (except the AutoNumber identifier field). The index may be a unique
combination of several fields, in the same way as for Unique
fields. In this case, the order of the fields in the index must be
respected. See also Enabling index Enabling
indexes and Disabling all index. Important
remark about the backup test methodology : enabling the index should be
considered only at the optimization stage, and only once the backup system
works . It can also happen that a duplicate key in index error occurs during
loading although nothing has changed in table settings ! it is possible that
some locks remain after a crash (only during backup debugging) and that this
causes some inexplicable errors ; in this case, exit the software containing
ActiveX control (you may also have to reboot the computer if the problem
persists) ;
* Enabling index (bUseIndex, relates only to loading
speed optimization) : Boolean to enable the use of the index at specific table
. When the uniqueness of the Unique fields does not
correspond to an existing index in the table, it is necessary to disable record
searching using the Indexes method. Example : for the
table Employees, it's a good idea to set uniqueness constraint to
LastName+FirstName, so these records are not duplicated each time the file is
loaded. However, there is no corresponding index to this combination in the
table, thus bUseIndex boolean must be left at false in this case.
* Structure array (special version of the ActiveX
control, VB6StructName, relates to loading and backup speed optimization) : to
optimize the backup of a great number of records, it is possible to write
source code of a structure defining a particular data type and to build an
array of this data type. Saving and loading this array will be achieved using
only one BASIC instruction, respectively Put# and Get#, which is much faster
than the field per field and record per record method ; on the other hand, this
method requires specific source code which must be compiled in a DLL, thus
losing the implicit upward compatibility (upgradeability) of the backup files
if the database structure is upgraded. To enable backup using a structure
array, get the special version of DBToFile.ocx control and specify the name of
the structure in the VB6StructName field of the table.
- Properties of DBToFile.ocx control :
* bNewRecords
(relates only to loading speed optimization) : when a backup file is loaded
into an empty database, all records are necessarily new (this also applies in
the file, which contains no redundant records), and it is then not necessary to
check record uniqueness. This option thus gains time only in this example; in
the other examples, this option will probably produce a duplicate key in index
* bIDsFieldNameEndsByID
(relates to loading and backup speed optimization) : names of identifier fields
all ends in ID; this applies to DBToFile.mdb tables (it would be also the case
for Northwind.mdb tables if there were not a ShipVia field in Orders table ! It
would have been better to use rather ShipperID, or not to save Shippers table
by removing the NWSHIP option at the time of saving, see HTML source code of
Demonstration) ;
* bIDsFieldNameStartsByID
(relates to loading and backup speed optimization) : names of identifier fields
all begins with ID (or Id), for example IdCustomer, as well as mnemonic fields,
for example MnCustomer (French writing style) ;
* Index disabling (bNeverUseIndex, relates only to
loading speed optimization) : to disable fast search of record all tables, for
example in the case of attached tables, or for debugging the backup system (see also Speed optimization).
- Primary mnemonic field : it
can be edited only if the relations respecting referential integrity based on
this field authorize the "Cascade Update Related Fields" option. For
example [Code client] (CustomerID) in the original Access 97 French version
Comptoir.mdb can't be edited (but Northwind.mdb is Ok, see Installation). Generally, it is necessary to avoid
primary fields being text fields, it is better to create an AutoNumber
identifier field for the primary key; related error number 3200 : impossible to
modify a record, because table X (child table) includes related records;
- Cyclic relation between tables : when there is a cyclic (or
circular) relation with referential integrity between two tables, those tables
cannot be saved. Indeed, it is impossible to determine which of the two tables
must be saved first, because each one requires that the other one must be saved
first in order to first attach the identifier field , which is then impossible.
In the case of a cycle with more than two tables, it is possible to save the
tables of the cycle in some cases that are rather complicated to describe : for
example, in DBToFile database, there is a link between DBToFile_SaveFileType
and DBToFile_SQL, between DBToFile_SQL and DBToFile_SelectedTable and also
between DBToFile_SelectedTable and DBToFile_SaveFileType. Which table is it
necessary to save first ? Answer : DBToFile_Main table is saved first.
DBToFile_SaveFileType table is then saved as a child table of DBToFile_Main as it
is specified in DBToFile_ChildTable table. DBToFile_SelectedTable and
DBToFile_SQL tables are also child tables of DBToFile_SaveFileType.
DBToFile_SelectedTable will be saved first if a record is referring to it is in
files :
Comptoir.mdb (see original Comptoir.mdb
database sample)
DBToFileEng.htm (English presentation)
DBToFileEng.doc (English documentation)
Demo.htm (English demonstration)
The following list gives the components on which the DBToFile utility
software depends (this can be useful if DBToFile ActiveX control is distributed
in another package) :
Runtime VB6,
just to copy into Windows\System\ :
DAO and system
files, setup procedure is required :
12:00:00 AM,101888,
12:00:00 AM,119568,
12:00:00 AM,22288,4.71.1460.1
12:00:00 AM,16896,2.40.4501.1
12:00:00 AM,147728,2.40.4501.1
[Setup Files]
12:00:00 AM,7680,
12:00:00 AM,89360,
12:00:00 AM,553232,4.0.2521.9
12:00:00 AM,831760,4.0.2521.8
12:00:00 AM,614672,4.0.2521.8
12:00:00 AM,379152,
12:00:00 AM,30992,
12:00:00 AM,184592,4.0.2521.8
12:00:00 AM,53520,4.0.2521.8
For information, here is a sample file of the DBToFile.mdb database
backup (see Demonstration) :
Saving query of DBToFile.mdb :
[FileTypeID] will be replaced by the value found in the property
strSaveFileArg of ActiveX control before executing the request.
(for information)
For information, here is the database report created at stage 17 of the
demonstration :
DBToFile Database Reporting : http://patrice.dargenton.free.fr/dbtofile/index.html
Database : C:\Program
Warning : some index may be relation's index !
DBToFile_ChildTable : Tables to be save if a record
from a parent table is saved / Tables devant être sauvées lorsqu'un
enregistrement d'une table parent est sauvé
TableID :
Identifier of the parent table, Ex.: Orders
: Identifier of the child table, Ex.: [Order Details]
Index : {94177CEA-A8C4-11D3-8214-BA8E2F36C603}
field :
: {94177CEB-A8C4-11D3-8214-BA8E2F36C603}
field :
Index : ChildTableID
field :
Index : IdxChildTable, 2 fields, Unique, Primary
field :
field :
Index : TableID
field :
DBToFile_EqID : Corresponding identifier field names
between tables / Table de correspondance des noms de champ identifiant entre
TableID :
Identifier of the table, Ex.: table Orders
EqIDTableID :
Identifier of the corresponding table, Ex.: table Shippers
EqFields :
List of fields corresponding to a identifier field name of a table, Ex.:
ShipVia in table Orders
Index : {94177CEC-A8C4-11D3-8214-BA8E2F36C603}
field :
Index : {94177CED-A8C4-11D3-8214-BA8E2F36C603}
field :
Index : EqIDTableID
field :
Index : IdxEq, 2 fields, Unique, Primary
field :
field :
Index : TableID
field :
: Table of backup file types / Table des types de fichiers d'archives
FileTypeID :
Identifier of backup file type
FileType :
Name of backup file type
Description :
Description of backup file type
Header : File
header of backup file type
MaxFileVersion : Max file version that can be load (max compatible
MinFileVersion : Min file version that can be load (min compatible
FileVersion :
Actual file version
Remark :
Index : FileType, Unique
field :
Index : PrimaryKey, Unique, Primary
field :
DBToFile_SaveFileType : Description of save file types
/ Tables des références de sauvegarde
SaveFileTypeID : Identifier of the save file type
: Save file type
SaveFileTypeMn : Mnemonic code of the save file type used in save
FileTypeID :
Identifier of backup file type
Description :
Description of the save file type included in the backup file header
Remark :
Index : {94177CE5-A8C4-11D3-8214-BA8E2F36C603}
field :
Index : PrimaryKey, Unique, Primary
field :
Index : SaveFileTypeMn, Unique
field :
DBToFile_SelectedTable : Selected tables for each save
file type / Tables sélectionnées dans chaque référence de sauvegarde
SelectedTableID : Identifier of the selected table
SaveFileTypeID : Identifier of the save file type
TableID :
Identifier of the table
Index : {94177CE7-A8C4-11D3-8214-BA8E2F36C603}
field : SaveFileTypeID
Index : {94177CEE-A8C4-11D3-8214-BA8E2F36C603}
field :
Index : IdxSelectedTable, 2 fields, Unique
field :
field :
Index : PrimaryKey, Unique, Primary
field :
Index : SaveFileTypeID
field :
Index : TableID
field :
DBToFile_SQL : List of SQL queries to select records
to be save in backup file / Liste des requêtes SQL de sélection des
enregistrements à archiver
: Identifier of the save file type
Number :
Order number of SQL query to respect if necessary referential integrity rules
during loading
SelectedTableID : Identifier of the selected table
query to select records to be save in backup file
QueryName :
Name of an Access query to be used instead of SQL string -Future OCX version-
Index : {94177CE8-A8C4-11D3-8214-BA8E2F36C603}
field : SaveFileTypeID
Index : {94177CE9-A8C4-11D3-8214-BA8E2F36C603}
field :
Index : IdxSQL, 2 fields, Unique
field :
field :
Index : Number
field :
Index : SaveFileTypeID
field :
Index : SelectedTableID
field :
DBToFile_Table : Description of the tables of the
backup / Description des tables de l'archivage
TableID :
Identifier of the table
Table : Name
of the table
FileTypeID :
Identifier of backup file type
IDField :
Name of the identifier field of the table, Ex.: "OrderID" in table
: Name of the mnemonic field of the table, Ex.: "CustomerID" in table
: List of unique fields, Ex.: "OrderID+ProductID" in table [Order
bNotify :
Boolean to notify loading (saving) a record into (from) a table
NotifyField :
Name of the field to notify, Ex.: "CompanyName=Shipper" in table
bUseIndex :
Boolean to use or not index of the table for seeking existing records while
loading to speed up processing
IndexField :
Name of the index field of the table which is unique
: Boolean to write and read array of records in a single line to speed up
: Boolean to avoid replacement of records into this table -Futur OCX version-
ExcludedFields : List of fields to be excluded into to file, Ex.: Photo
in table Employees
: Name of a Visual Basic 6 Type to speed up processing -Special OCX version-
Remark :
Index : {94177CE6-A8C4-11D3-8214-BA8E2F36C603}
field :
Index : IdxTable, 2 fields, Unique
field :
field :
Index : PrimaryKey, Unique, Primary
field :
Backup samples containing many complex queries for selecting the
records to be saved to the file :
The idea of saving a sequence of linked records from a database to a
file so that it can subsequently be reloaded later into a database with the
same structure goes back to Herve Gaucher, software manager and developper at
LIM Geotechnologies (www.limgeo.com). As a software developer for several years
in this company (which manufactures drilling parameter recorders) I had to
extend this principle to new data types added to the structure of a
geotechnical database; this gave the idea of extending the backup system to an
unspecified database structure. To isolate the source code from the database
structure, an elementary syntax described in character strings is used to
isolate the backup mechanism from the description of the table list, in
particular for unique fields and for fields that trigger cascade saving.
This made it possible to build the backup system for two distinct
versions of the geotechnical database with the same backup engine. In addition,
analysing the backup files made it possible to convert one version to the other
using an algorithm usually known by the name of of "moulinette",
meaning that a great deal of source code is necessary for this operation which
is of similar complexity to a true translation from one language into another.
Thereafter, with the aim of generalizing the backup system to any
database, I personally created the following improvement to the system.
Settings of tables to be saved and queries for selecting the data to be saved
are stored in Access tables in order to make it possible to update the backup
system without modifying the source code. In addition, this made it possible
for the backup system itself to be saved, because it is also MS-Access data
(see the stages from 14 to 17 of Demonstration :
DBToFile meta-backup).
All searches on character strings were replaced using indexed Visual
Basic collections in order to optimize the backup speed.
The backup system source code has been compiled as an ActiveX control,
which can be used with or without a visible interface, thanks to its methods
and properties, in a large number of development environments supporting
ActiveX controls.
- Wizard that analyzes the structure of the database to be saved
and creates settings of the tables to be saved ; interface for checking and
editing DBToFile.mdb tables ;
- Multilingual version using a DLL with the source code to add a
language ;
- Optimization with structure array in Visual BASIC 6, see Structure array ;
- Multiple indexes support for a table (see also Index field) ;
- Option of disabling record replacement of a table (field
bDontReplace of DBToFile_Table) ;
- Generalization to other databases
using ADO (Active Data Object) ;
- Backup queries stored (and so compiled) in the database and
referenced in the QueryName field in the DBToFile_SQL table ;